When making an appointment, ensure the patient is given the first appointment of the day/clinical session. This is to ensure they are exposed to minimal amounts of aerosol.
Please ensure that no other individual with cystic fibrosis are booked in for a dental examination or dental treatment on the same day. (An exception to this, if the individuals are from the same household)
Please remind the patient to bring an up-to-date list of medications with them to the appointment.
Clinical Staff:
Please ensure that you are free from any illness, e.g., colds on the day.
Please ensure that all lines, equipment on the dental chair are purged/ rinsed through first thing before the appointment.
Please wear FFP2 mask or equivalent at all times when treating the patient.
Dental/ Hygiene staff:
Please wear a FFP2 mask or equivalent at all times when treating the patient
Please ensure to update medical history notably medication.
Ask if the patient is taking oral nutritional supplements (may increase caries risk)
Work as efficiently as possible
Remember to ask the patient if they are comfortable in a supine position or would prefer to be treated in an upright position.